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Love is No Sin (newest and last RM song)
Written by: reaptheagony
So, this is the last song I wrote for Rigor Mortis
I might change around the lyrics a bit, but this is basically it

Angels sing the song we all need to hear
Demons bring us to the violence that we fear
So I gave you the angels
through ink and a fountain pen
Until you set our cloud on fire
the claws dragged me down again

Silence is not a virtue to be abused
Bedlams find a way to hide the truth
The Queen seduced the kingdom
to make it void of trust
Indulging in my nymphomania
then drowning me in lust

The wedding gown soaked in blood
Rests at the edge of the guillotine
The tuxedo locked in the cellar
Holds the unwanted memory
...and I will walk down your aisle like a rockstar floating on crimson fame
...and I will leave the arrows in your chest like I promised to wash away the shame

Vampyres can't love mortals
I'll bite your neck and take your soul
Blood paints my white skin
Still your icy stare keeps me whole
Even if you chain me to the sun
You already stole my heart and the color from my eyes
Drive that stake through my heart
Love is no sin, we'll meet again in the skies

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