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Written by: AngeL
Every man like me,
Dreams of what they can't have,
But I wish that people could see,
I'm the only man like that,
I am selfish, arrogant,
But at least I know it,
I can be ever loving and caring,
And I hope that I show it,

There are people in this world,
That sit on their arse and don't try,
well if you don't move your not going anywhere fast,
And if you don't try to prove yourself,
Your love won't last,
I infest my mind like a plague,
Brainwashed by politics of someone else's lie's,

I understand you, I think,
but not myself,
I'm lost,
I'm confused,
But never alone,
I feel surrounded,
Even when i'm on my own,
But i'm only chocking myself,
And causing no harm,

You ridicule people like me,
But try to put yourself in my shoes,
I cut because it bleeds and nothing more,
But I'm cast away, like i'm in the past,
I'm not finished yet,
I'll carry on by myself,

I wish you could see, feel, hear yourself,
To see the hurt you cause,
But know this, there is nothing,
Appsolutly nothing,
You can do to stop this,
I'm a loose cannon,
Like you.

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