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You killed me
Written by: Shadow Song
Our friendship is lost
The bond is gone
Although the memory
Still echos on
Trapped in my mind
That night replays
It was your mistake
But me who pays
All I remember
Walking by your side
In that one night
I slowly died
First your fist
And then the wall
My eyes slid closed
As I began to fall
Into the darkness
Though I could still hear
The words you were growling
As you pulled me near
You had your fun
And left me to bleed
Half dead in a coma
You'd sated your need.
When I opened my eyes
In a hospital bed
I could feel nothing
But the pain in my head
Cold and numb
Tears streaking my face
Tears for a lost friend
And a fall from grace
As the memories returned
So did the fear
I moved away
So you weren't near
But seeing you stood there
Laughing with my friends
When I thought I'd escaped you
Is this how it ends
After five years
Your back in my life
Re-opening wounds
Like a rusted knife
You infect as you slice
It was you who killed me
Now you must pay the price

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