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Gathered Thoughts
Written by: Forbidden Dragon
[u]Gathered Thoughts[/u]

Obsession, my sin, my pain.
All that I touch turns to dust.
While my tears of sorrow stain
All that is right and just,
No one shall know me.
Or care, or bother to.
I am a walking tragedy,
“Why should this be so?”
A friend of mine asks,
And in a manner of disrespect,
I ignored him and went off on my tasks.
Later on, as I did suspect,
I found my soul left on my bed,
Resting itself from its past,
It looked so weary, almost dead,
I saw its shadow it had cast.
A reflection of myself, I had thought,
While I collected my soul.
I thought back to everything I had fought,
The events, the people, hidden in that dark hole.
All of which now drowns me, in eternal hate and bile.
So please, forget me now, while darkness washes over me,
Stay away from me…for a while.
This is it, my end, and you unlocked it with the key.

Yeah I know, its crap, innit?

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